Man, 2020 has just been insane. And it’s only MAY! In these strange, strange times – when people are more separated than ever (hashtag thanks COVID) – we’ve launched a new web show to bring people together again…virtually. MIND THE GAP LIVE is a collaboration between SolidRoots and Kid@Heart where we basically play MIND THE …


Alone, Together

If you aren’t aware of the craziness going on right now, first of all, what rock are you living under? And second of all, turn on a TV or radio – BUT DON’T GO OUTSIDE! There’s a reason all your favorite restaurants and shopping areas are closed. If you are aware of everything going on …

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As Seen in Rolling Stone

You guys…WE’RE IN ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE! Our holiday gift exchanges are in this month’s issue of Rolling Stone. If you’re a fan, go pick one up. Then pick up one of our games 🙂

Hinky Pinky

Hinky Pinky – or “hink pink” or whatever you want to call it – is one of those pastimes that seems to have always existed. Since the dawn of language, people have been rhyming words and having others guess for amusement. I’m pretty sure there are some ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that are hinky pinkys. (Don’t …

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Back to School Game Night

Welp, it’s the end of August. How in the world did that happen? Seems like only yesterday I was in danger of falling off the roof taking down the Christmas lights in the early February cold and winds. Aw, what memories. Except that’s all over. And weirdly so is the summer break! We know you’re …

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