Hinky Pinky

Hinky Pinky – or “hink pink” or whatever you want to call it – is one of those pastimes that seems to have always existed. Since the dawn of language, people have been rhyming words and having others guess for amusement. I’m pretty sure there are some ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that are hinky pinkys. (Don’t quote me on that)

The concept is incredibly simple: come up with 2 rhyming words that have the same number of syllables and give simple clues that will help your friends come up with the rhyme. That’s it.

If your words have one syllable, they are hink pinks; two syllables gets you hinky pinkys; and three are hinkety pinketys.

It can be played literally almost anywhere. People are playing it right now somewhere after dinner, in the car, at work, at recess, in submarines, and on the International Space Station. (Don’t quote me on this either)

It’s so casual that you can float in and out of the game as needed. We’ve had games we’ve played after Thanksgiving dinner with a big group. Some people could go back to the kitchen to sneak seconds of pie and slide right back in without really missing much. Side conversations can happen as Hinky Pinky doesn’t require everyone’s full attention all of the time. It’s the definition of casual gaming.

Half of the game is coming up with rhyming words, but sometimes people don’t feel like they’re creative enough or just don’t feel like it. I know that there are times – usually when I’m driving – that I just don’t have it in me to come up with another set of rhyming words.

That’s where our newest game comes in: you’ll get 90 cards so all you have to do is come up with clues that your group can solve.

We thought about coming up with the clues as well, but we wanted you to be able to contextualize the clues for the people you’re playing with. You’ll come up with some clever ones that remind you of hilarious inside jokes, we’re sure.

You’ll soon be able to pre-order our version of Hinky Pinky. We provide you with almost 80 sets of rhyming words – including hink pinks, hinky pinkys, and hinkety pinketys – plus 11 blank cards so you can write your own in when you inevitably come up with your own hilarious ones.

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