Alone, Together

If you aren’t aware of the craziness going on right now, first of all, what rock are you living under? And second of all, turn on a TV or radio – BUT DON’T GO OUTSIDE! There’s a reason all your favorite restaurants and shopping areas are closed.

If you are aware of everything going on right now, chances are you may be feeling lonely, disconnected, and helpless at times. You are not alone in these feelings. We are all feeling a bit lost. This is an unprecedented time! But there are ways to feel a little more connected to the people you miss the most. 

Our family on a group call this past week.

If you haven’t tried video chatting, it’s a great way to see and talk to other people. It’s great because, unlike just talking on the phone, you are able to see who you’re talking with, and talk with MULTIPLE people at the same time! Here are a few sources you can use for video calls: 

FaceTime for iOS

This app is built into Apple’s iPhones, iPads, and even their computers. It’s an easy way to connect “face-to-face” with someone if you and your group are in the Apple ecosystem.

Duo for Android

This is much like FaceTime, but this one is built-in for Android users. This is an easy tool to use, because you connect with your phone, just like when you make a regular phone call and can be accessed via most mobile devices.

Google Meet

This is a video conferencing app. If you have an account set up with Google, it’s an easy app to use when you need to talk with a lot of people. It also syncs with your Google calendar and Gmail, so it’s great for scheduling meetings.


Zoom usage has blown up since this pandemic broke out. Originally intended for business users, it has caught a foothold in the public because it’s ease of use. Once you’ve downloaded the app, all you need to do is send out your meeting link via e-mail. Participants can click on the link and they’ll be guided through their own setup. This is great to use for online classes or, if you’re like us and have a BIG family.


Microsoft’s Skype is an app that provides video chat and voice calls between computers, tablets, mobile devices, Xbox One consoles, and smartwatches. With this app, users can transmit text, video, audio, and images. It’s heavily integrated with Microsoft’s platforms and Office, but it’s been revamped and still easy to use.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is a great tool to use to send funny memes or articles to your friends, but did you know there is also a video option?! You can talk “face-to-face” with each other through this app, no matter where in the world you are, from right inside Facebook! Or get the standalone app for your mobile device.

WhatsApp Messenger

This app can be used on iPhones, iPads, Android devices, Windows Phones, and your computers. This app is especially popular outside of the US. So if you need to make international calls, this app is your best bet.

In times like these, staying connected with friends and family is so important. Not only will it keep you from going crazy, it will bring you joy in knowing that they are okay. It gives you a chance to laugh with each other and gives you such a bigger appreciation for the people in your life. We are all in this…alone, together.

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